E$P Token is available on Uniswap

Sep 23, 2021


We’d like to remind you that the E$P token is available on the Uniswap v.2 exchange in trading pair E$P/ETH. And very soon, our token will appear on other platforms as we are actively negotiating with them!

An exchange listing boosts a project’s popularity thanks to increased liquidity. This is called “the exchange effect”. At its core, the main metric of any cryptocurrency is how widespread it is. The more widespread it is, the higher the coin’s market valuation. The more people are trading it — the more dynamic is its price movement.

We’re also expecting our coin to become more popular and grow in price! Until then, you have a great opportunity to become an E$P owner on the most favourable terms!




Written by ESPcoin

The ESP ecosystem comprises of a ERC-20 token used in both open Decentralized apps and closed vertically oriented systems.

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